I am trying to DRY up my code a bit so I am writing a method to defer or delegate certain methods to a different object, but only if it exists. Here is the basic idea: I have Shipment < AbstractShipment
which could have a Reroute < AbstractShipment
. Either a Shipment
or it's Reroute
can have a Delivery
(or deliveries), but not both.
When I call shipment.deliveries, I want it to check to see if it has a reroute first. If not, then simply call AbstractShipment
's deliveries
method; if so, delegate the method to the reroute.
I tried this with the simple code below:
module Kernel
def this_method
caller[0] =~ /`([^']*)'/ and $1
class Shipment < AbstractShipment
def deferToReroute
if self.reroute.present?
alias_method :isComplete?, :deferToReroute
alias_method :quantityReceived, :deferToReroute
alias_method :receiptDate, :deferToReroute
The Kernel.this_method is just a convenience to find out which method was called. However, calling super
super: no superclass method `deferToReroute'
I searched a bit and found this link which discusses that this is a bug in Ruby 1.8 but is fixed in 1.9. Unfortunately, I can't upgrade this code to 1.9 yet, so does anyone have any suggestions for workarounds?
Thanks :-)
Edit: After a bit of looking at my code, I realized that I don't actually need to alias all of the methods that I did, I actually only needed to overwrite the deliveries method since the other three actually call it for their calculations. However, I would still love to know y'all's thoughts since I have run into this before.