On bound methods, you can use three special read-only parameters:
- im_func which returns the (unbound) function object
- im_self which returns the object the function is bound to (class instance)
- im_class which returns the class of im_self
Testing around:
class Test(object):
def foo(self):
instance = Test()
instance.foo # <bound method Test.foo of <__main__.Test object at 0x1>>
instance.foo.im_func # <function foo at 0x2>
instance.foo.im_self # <__main__.Test object at 0x1>
instance.foo.im_class # <__main__.Test class at 0x3>
# A few remarks
instance.foo.im_self.__class__ == instance.foo.im_class # True
instance.foo.__name__ == instance.foo.im_func.__name__ # True
instance.foo.__doc__ == instance.foo.im_func.__doc__ # True
# Now, note this:
Test.foo.im_func != Test.foo # unbound method vs function
Test.foo.im_self is None
# Let's play with classmethods
class Extend(Test):
def bar(cls):
extended = Extend()
# Be careful! Because it's a class method, the class is returned, not the instance
extended.bar.im_self # <__main__.Extend class at ...>
There is an interesting thing to note here, that gives you a hint on how the methods are being called:
class Hint(object):
def foo(self, *args, **kwargs):
def bar(cls, *args, **kwargs):
instance = Hint()
# this will work with both class methods and instance methods:
for name in ['foo', 'bar']:
method = instance.__getattribute__(name)
# call the method
method.im_func(method.im_self, 1, 2, 3, fruit='banana')
Basically, im_self attribute of a bound method changes, to allow using it as the first parameter when calling im_func