




Hey guys!

Im a beginner in Merb, so want to know, what is the best practices to cache data? For example i have a page that shows list of books, that changes not really often, so im looking for a way to cache the data. There can be 2 choices: cache data from db or cache all page (html).

So, is there any tools to make simple and fast? Thanks

+1  A: 

I think that the most important caching best practice is to not worry about it until you need to. Implementing caching before your server load demands it is a waste of time that you could be using to improve other areas of your codebase, add features, etc.

yes, there is no need for caching right now, but i just want to play around with that
Dan Sosedoff

Caching is one of those things that is easier if you at least know it is going to happen and how. Even though it's not Merb my first stop would be scaling rails from RailsCasts. All of what he shows can be done in Merb as well.

I would suggest Page caching from your description if I were you.

John F. Miller