I know that I can open html links in a new window by using target="_blank", but how can I hide/disable all the browser toolbars ?
I suppose the only way to do that is to use the JavaScript Window.open function. I don't know of any HTML/CSS-only way of hiding browser controls.
Thorsten Dittmar
2009-06-05 06:43:51
You should use window.open('url to open','window name','toolbar=no');
Svitlana Maksymchuk
2009-06-05 06:44:31
Remeber that users can force their browser to always show toolbars and status bars.
2009-06-05 07:11:56
window.open('your url here','name','toolbar=0,status=0');
With Javascript. But it's better and usable, if you create a fake window with javascript.
2009-06-05 06:44:38
Why is a fake window always better? Some users (e.g. me) like to able to bookmark popups, if they're actually useful.
Matthew Flaschen
2009-06-05 06:49:18
@Matthew: imo its a design error to communicate such an information in a popup that is worth to bookmark.A popup shows a status of a process to the user or gives some informations, but its not a whole page.
2009-06-05 10:25:01
Don't do that. Seriously. It's one of the better ways to drive away users.
2009-06-05 17:57:43
I would usually agree with you, but I have a genuine requirement to do it!
2009-09-24 16:20:02
I agree with this sentiment in principle, but there are good reasons to do this in the right context. For example in a web application where you need to maximize screen real estate. But, for a typical website, this is not a good idea.
2009-10-27 15:10:43