I am in doubt how to construct my views and viewmodels... Lets see a (simplified) situation. I have a registration view with two variations: openid and strandard username/password. I see two ways how to
implement this:
1.) First way: one view model and one view (some kind of Pseudocode):
class RegisterViewModel:
- public string OpenId {get;set;} // used only in openid registration
- public string Username {get;set;} // used only in username/password registration
- public string Password {get;set;} // used only in username/password registration
- public string PasswordConfirmation {get;set;} // used only in username/password registration
- public string Email {get;set;} // used in both registrations
- public string FirstName {get;set;} // used in both registrations
- public string LastName {get;set;} // used in both registrations
- public RegistrationType Type {get;set;} // used in both registrations
RegisterView.aspx (System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage):
<h1>Account info</h1>
<% if (Model.Type == Registration.Type.OpenId) { %>
<%= Html.TextBox("OpenId") %>
<% } else { %>
<%= Html.TextBox("Username") %>
<%= Html.TextBox("Password") %>
<%= Html.TextBox("PasswordConfirmation") %>
<% } %>
<%= Html.TextBox("Email") %>
<h1>Personal info</h1>
<%= Html.TextBox("FirstName") %>
<%= Html.TextBox("LastName") %>
2.) Second way: several view models and several views (user controls):
abstract class RegisterViewModel:
- public string Email {get;set;}
- public string FirstName {get;set;}
- public string LastName {get;set;}
class OpenIdRegisterViewModel:
- public string OpenId {get;set;}
class UsernameRegisterViewModel:
- public string Username {get;set;}
- public string Password {get;set;}
- public string PasswordConfirmation {get;set;}
<h1>Personal info</h1>
<%= Html.TextBox("FirstName")
<%= Html.TextBox("LastName")
OpenIdRegisterView.aspx (System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage):
<h1>Account info</h1>
<%= Html.TextBox("OpenId") %>
<%= Html.TextBox("Email") %>
<% Html.RenderPartial("UserControl") %>
UsernameRegisterView.aspx (System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage):
<h1>Account info</h1>
<%= Html.TextBox("Username") %>
<%= Html.TextBox("Password") %>
<%= Html.TextBox("PasswordConfirmation") %>
<%= Html.TextBox("Email") %>
<% Html.RenderPartial("UserControl") %>
I think that the first way is not so OO, but it is easiery to align the view, and the second way is more oo, but it is hard to align elements - that is the reason why I didn't put email into the user control, because I want to have email near account info.
What option would you choose and why? Maybe some 3rd option? Where is the limit between these two options (when you choose first, when second)...
Many thanks!