We are upgrading from Liferay 4.2 to Liferay 5.2.2. We are using the EXT environment. Previously, in 4.2 there was a directory called /ext/portlets. According for 4.2 doc,
"Portlets placed in this directory will be automatically deployed to the application server when running the ant deploy target from the /ext directory"
Is there an equivalent for 5.2?
At first I though that /ext/modules would do the trick, but it looks like the build file inside of /modules just unwars my portlet war file. This is not sufficient to deploy the portlets, since Liferay needs to augment the web.xml in my portlets' WEB-INF to insert servlet mapping tags.
Just for comparison, 4.2's build file in /ext/portlets directory, would call com.liferay.portal.tools.PortletDeployer and pass my war file as an argument.
I looked around, the PortletDeployer still exists in the 5. 2 code base. It is now located in com.liferay.portal.tools.deploy, but it is not called anywhere from the build files. . I wonder if this means that there is no longer a way to predeploy portlets in 5.2 Liferay. Does Liferay have to be up and running to deploy in 5.2?