Im trying to run a command on the AddUserToGroup method via webservices (UserGroup.asmx).
I set up the code as follows.
//set up the user group
userGroup = new UserGroup.UserGroup();
userGroup.Url = vtiBin + "/UserGroup.asmx";
userGroup.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
So I have my credentials being passed to the webserive. Now I run the following
userGroup.AddUserToGroup("System Group", preferedName, userLogin, email, "");
this throws an exception, my account does not have permission. however if I run this code under a different user with GOD access it works
What is the minimum required permission??
I have given my account
- Full Access to the User Information List (on the sharepoint site)
- Manage Analytics, Manage Audiences, Manage User Profiles, Personal Features, Personal Site, Set Permissions (sharedServices Admin, Personalization services permissions )