I was looking through the Datamapper directories and opened up dm-core/tasks/dm.rb
. Just generally speaking, what the heck is going on in this file? It looks like Greek to me. Particularly this thing about "specs" - what are those for? Is that similar to a software spec which defines what a project is supposed to encompass?
require 'spec/rake/spectask'
require 'spec/rake/verify_rcov'
task :default => 'spec'
RCov::VerifyTask.new(:verify_rcov => :rcov) do |t|
t.threshold = 87.7 # Make sure you have rcov 0.7 or higher!
def run_spec(name, files, rcov)
Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new(name) do |t|
t.spec_opts << '--options' << ROOT + 'spec/spec.opts'
t.spec_files = Pathname.glob(ENV['FILES'] || files.to_s).map { |f| f.to_s }
t.rcov = rcov
t.rcov_opts << '--exclude' << 'spec'
t.rcov_opts << '--text-summary'
#t.rcov_opts << '--sort' << 'coverage' << '--sort-reverse'
#t.rcov_opts << '--only-uncovered'
#t.rcov_opts << '--profile'
public_specs = ROOT + 'spec/public/**/*_spec.rb'
semipublic_specs = ROOT + 'spec/semipublic/**/*_spec.rb'
all_specs = ROOT + 'spec/**/*_spec.rb'
desc 'Run all specifications'
run_spec('spec', all_specs, false)
desc 'Run all specifications with rcov'
run_spec('rcov', all_specs, true)
namespace :spec do
desc 'Run public specifications'
run_spec('public', public_specs, false)
desc 'Run semipublic specifications'
run_spec('semipublic', semipublic_specs, false)
namespace :rcov do
desc 'Run public specifications with rcov'
run_spec('public', public_specs, true)
desc 'Run semipublic specifications with rcov'
run_spec('semipublic', semipublic_specs, true)
desc 'Run all comparisons with ActiveRecord'
task :perf do
sh ROOT + 'script/performance.rb'
desc 'Profile DataMapper'
task :profile do
sh ROOT + 'script/profile.rb'