



Would you rather work for a reputable corporation as an average developer among smart people or work for a medium size company with a small development team but you are invaluable to them?

This ofcourse will vary for each person but I'm curious what experienced developers have to say, as this will help me make a career decision.

+15  A: 

Always go for the position where you can stretch, or be stretched.

On becoming indispensable: If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted.

Robert Harvey
+5  A: 

you learn more when you work with good smart people. when you are the "best" at work you don't learn as much, and will get fustrated with everyone else.

+2  A: 

Be the worst - "The Passionate Programmer"

You'll learn far better.

Jeff Moser

Both have their pros and cons, however I wouldn't say a con of a large business would be that you were surrounded by smart people. I'd go as far as to say, that is the only reason I would work at a large business.

Kyle B.
+3  A: 

Depends on how badly you need your ego stroked.

I think it's always best to work with people who are better than you, and/or smarter than you. It's the best way to learn.

Jack Marchetti
+3  A: 

While going to a company where you will grow is certainly desirable, if you are not feeling valued or feel replaceable, you will ultimately not be happy.

I'd say go somewhere where you feel like you can grow, but also a place where you feel like an important part of what is going on.
