I'm using Subsonic Collections to pull a list of timesheet entries from our database and then databinding them to ASP.net user controls I've created on a page. Is it possible to break one large collection into multiple subsets based on a certain parameter?
For example, each of our timesheet entries contain a job code for the particular job they are related to. What I would like to do is pull one large collection of entries for a particular employee by their employeeid and within a specified time range. Then what I'd like to do is segment that collection into multiple smaller collections based on the entries' job code, this way I'd have to freedom to bind different collections to different controls based on the jobcode that the entries share.
It would also be nice since I wouldn't first have to pull a list of job codes the employee has data for, and then run multiple database calls to populate each collection (qry.AddWhere("job_code", job_code); qry.ExecuteReader();)
If anyone knows if this is something that is possible to do please let me know. Any help is greatly appreciated.