+1  A: 

I have worked around this problem by making the action accepting two objects (the parent and the child object)

Suppose we have the following model:

 public class Employee
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }
        public Company Comapany { get; set; }
    public class Company
        public int Phone { get; set; }

You build your form like this:

    <form action="Home/Create" method="post">
   <label for="Employee.Name">Name</label>
    <%=Html.TextBox("Employee.Name") %><br />
   <label for="Employee.Name">Age</label>    
    <%=Html.TextBox("Employee.Age") %><br />
   <label for="Employee.Name">Comapany Phone</label>    
    <%=Html.TextBox("Company.Phone") %><br />
    <input type="submit" value="Send" />

Then build a "Create" action that accept two objects one of type Employee and the other of type Comapny and assign the Company object to the Employee.Company property inside the action:

 public ActionResult Create(Employee employee,Company company)
            employee.Comapany = company;
            return View();

I hope this help you.


public ActionResult Create(Employee employee,Company company)
   employee.Comapany = company;
   UpdateModel(employee,new[] {"Name","Email","Phone"});
   return View();
Marwan Aouida
Thank you for your reply. However, I'm not having any problems binding the model: my problem is trying to restrict what in the model gets bound. It seems that in your example, without supplying either a whitelist or blacklist (or other equivalent) to the UpdateModel method, someone could still set Company.IsPremiumMember by injecting this into their form post.
Then the solution is to pass the list of properties you want to include to the UpdateModel method.I will update my answer
Marwan Aouida
I added an addendum to my original post. (See especially the last line.) The problem more appropriately seems like an "all or nothing" on the Company property...
A minor point, but in the form example above, the text boxes id attibutes will be rendered with underscores instead of a periods, so the label for tags need to be modified accordingly. ex: <label for="Employee_Name">Name</label>
James H
Thank you Marwan, I do see that your latest edit does technically accomplish what I'm looking for. Since I have about eight or nine objects (all as children of the Company) however, it does not seem very appealing to have to account for all of these in such a manner. The solution I came up with seems, in my case, to allow me to only have to deal with one white list and one "UpdateModel" call, and can also avoid having to "re-attach" all of my objects afterwards. I'll also be able to re-use my own whitelisting technique on the rest of the pages I still have left to build! Thanks again!
btw your input names are wrong, the should match the parameter name, not the type i.e. starting letters should be lower cases
No, the input names must be the same as the type members names.
Marwan Aouida
+1  A: 

In general, the best way to go is to create view-models, models built specifically for your views. These models are not domain objects. They are data-transfer objects, built to transfer data from your controller actions to your view templates. You can use a tool like AutoMapper painlessly to create/update a domain model object from your view-model object or to create/update a view-model object from your domain model.

AutoMapper looks like an excellent utility that would indeed simplify this. I'm going to check it out later this evening. Thanks!
I've also found that UpdateModel comes in a generic form, UpdateModel<T>, which I found on another post here at S.O. that recommends creating an interface T that can act as a whitelist. I did not see this technique in either of the MVC books I have read, but it seems like it might have some promise. (Perhaps no more effort than creating a handful of DTOs.) P.S. this other post I referenced is here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/924424/difference-using-updatemodel-and-modelbinding-in-parameter
If you use the view-model pattern, you can also perform powerful server-side validation on the strictly typed view-model (instead of on Request.Form or FormCollection fields) using libraries such as Castle.Components.Validator or FluentValidation.
Scott Guthrie blogged about using an interface as a whitelist: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2008/10/16/asp-net-mvc-beta-released.aspx#five
Richard Poole

Have you tried using the following?:

public ActionResult Create([Bind(Exclude="PropertyToExclude1, PropertyToExclude2")] Employee employee) {

//action code here


or use Include instead of Exclude to List what fields can be bound rather than which can't

Hello, as shown in my original post, the issue is not that I can't exclude "PropertyToExclude1". The issue is that I can't exclude "SomeParent.SomeProperty" in this manner.