I think the problem is with the way you're doing your mapping, where you're trying to pull too many database concepts into your OO model. ORM was a little confusing to me as well, when I started doing it. What you need to understand is that the concept of a primary key field is a database concept and not an OO concept. In OO, each object reference is unique, and that's what you use to identify instances.
Object references do not really map well to the database world, and that's why we have primary key properties. With that said, the use of primary key properties should be kept to a minimal. What I find helpful is to minimize the type of primary key properties that map directly to the primary key columns (usually, integer properties that map to a primary key column).
Anyway, based on that, here's how I think you should do your mapping (changes highlighted with horizontal separators):
From FieldRule.java (Child Class):
public class FieldRule implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected FieldRulePK fieldRulePK;
@Basic(optional = false)
@Column(name = "RuleValue")
private String ruleValue;
// Removed field and searchRule mapping as those are already in the
// primary key object, updated setters/getters to pull properties from
// primary key object
public Field getField() {
return fieldRulePK != null ? fieldRulePK.getField() : null;
public void getField(Field field) {
// ... parameter validation ...
if (fieldRulePK == null) fieldRulePK = new FieldRulePK();
public SearchRule getSearchRule() {
return fieldRulePK != null ? fieldRulePK.getSearchRule() : null;
public void setSearchRule(SearchRule searchRule) {
// ... parameter validation ...
if (fieldRulePK == null) fieldRulePK = new FieldRulePK();
From FieldRulePK.java
(Child PK Class):
public class FieldRulePK implements Serializable {
// Map relationships directly to objects instead of using integer primary keys
@JoinColumns({@JoinColumn(name = "IndexTemplateId", referencedColumnName = "IndexTemplateId", insertable = false, updatable = false), @JoinColumn(name = "FieldNumber", referencedColumnName = "FieldNumber", insertable = false, updatable = false)})
@ManyToOne(optional = false, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Field field;
@JoinColumn(name = "SearchRuleId", referencedColumnName = "ID", insertable = false, updatable = false)
@ManyToOne(optional = false, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private SearchRule searchRule;
should be fine as it is.
I hope this all makes sense.
Note that this is untested, it would take too much time for me to set up a test database and create all the necessary test code, but I hope it gives you an idea on how to proceed.