I'm building a "small" personal web app in Ruby on Rails. I've set it up so that I'm using a MySQL database.
The idea is that I'm gonna store and navigate many kinds of data (notes, bookmarks, movie and appliction ratings) with this app. I want to index/categorise this data in a pseudo-directory structure. (The directory structure exists only in the database - not in actual directories)
E.g. a bookmark could be stored in Root -> Bookmark -> Funny -> Keyboard cat
Now I've seen this question but I don't now whether that solution is the best way to do it in a rails app. A solution similar to the one in the question I linked to above was also what I had in mind. But one could also add an extra table having the relations between folders and their content.
The question is how do I structure my models and my database? (The "right" way)
Update: (@Dave and other taggers) Yes, I've thought about tags. And at first I was actually going to ask a much larger question but I was unable to do so in a concise way. The deal is that it's also going to be possible to tag items. And in reality the directories ARE tags - you could say I want to have two ways of organising things - 'structured' tags (directories) and 'free' tags (your old regular tags). But that's a whole different story...
For now I just wanna see the "right" way of doing the rails model and the database structure for the directory problem.