I have an Extension method which is supposed to filter a Queryable object (IQueryable) based upon a collection of Ids....
Note that IQueryable is sourced from my database via a LinqToSql request
public static IQueryable<NewsItemSummary> WithID(this IQueryable<NewsItemSummary> qry, IQueryable<Guid> Ids)
return from newsItemSummary in qry
where Ids.Contains(newsItemSummary.ID)
select newsItemSummary;
If Ids are created from an array or list and passed in as a queryable list, it DOESNT work
For example...
If Ids is composed form a LinqToSql request, it DOES work!!
This is known issue: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=355026
My Ids collection cannot come from a LinqToSql request...
Note, if I change the function so that it consumes and IList rather than an IQueryable....
public static IQueryable<NewsItemSummary> WithID(this IQueryable<NewsItemSummary> qry, IList<Guid> Ids)
return from newsItemSummary in qry
where Ids.Contains(newsItemSummary.ID)
select newsItemSummary;
I now get the following exception:
Method 'Boolean Contains(System.Guid)' has no supported translation to SQL.
So... all I want to do is filter my collection of news based upon a list or array of Guids.... Ideas???