



I'm having trouble writing a regular expression (suitable for PHP's preg_match()) that will parse keyword='value' pairs regardless of whether the <value> string is enclosed in single or double quotes. IOW in both of the following cases I need to get the <name> and <value> where the <value> string may contain the non-enclosing type of quotes:

+11  A: 

In Perl this is a regular expression that would work. It first matched for the start of the line then matches for one or more non = characters and sets them to $1. Next it looks for the = then the a non parentheses with a choice of matching for " or ' and sets that to $2.


If you wanted it to match blank expressions like.


Replace the last two + with an * Otherwise this should work

Edit As mentioned in the comments. Doug used...


This will match one optional white space on ether end of the input or value and he has removed the end of line marker.

it will match name='asd" with a double quote at the and, that's not correct.
Andrea Ambu
No longer matches non matching quote sets.
argh! you updated it before my response :P
Andrea Ambu
deleted mine since this one was here first and working :D
Andrea Ambu
This isn't quite right. /^([^=]+)=(?:"([^"]+)"|'([^']+)')"$/I believe the double quote before the end-of-line metacharacter shouldn't be there.
Doug Kaye
@Doug - It is a honor to be corrected by the publishers of IT Conversations :). Thanks corrected.
Here's the final version I used. It's escaped for single quotes and is more forgiving for whitespace. Thanks for the help!/^\s?([^=]+)\s?=\s?("([^"]+)"|\'([^\']+)\')\s?/
Doug Kaye
+2  A: 

Which will place the key in $1 and the value in $3.

Cirno de Bergerac