


+7  A: 

If the text is inside a table (as I see in your screenshots) try:

body, td {
    font-size: 11px;
victor hugo
Wow... so simple ... do you care to explain why do I need to add the TableDefinition as well, the body should be the larger scoop right?
I have never known exactly why, but I've always had this problem (among many others) with IE. Search Google for "internet explorer td doesn't inherit body" and you'll get many results but not any useful answer
victor hugo
No, never understood "why" myself. My theory is that the element hierarchy in trident is essentially broken and supported by buggy hack cross references to get the cascading. This would explain why forms, tables, and select boxes often have strange out-of-flow type bugs. One of these days I'll decompile IE and find out :P
grrr to IE... even showing a normal icon is not possible... what a waste of time on creating IE8... Thank you very much Victor!
+1  A: 

i think what Victor suggested should work. Also, next time you can try

* { font-size: 11px }

as a test. Obviously you don't want to alter other elements such as h1, h2, etc for their font sizes, but you can use the line above to try things out, so that you can guess that if the line above works, then maybe you need to specify font-size for an additional tag besides the body you originally specified.

* is a bit of a brutal solution imho
oh it is merely to use it as a debug / test situation in this case.