The view can be an observer of the model.
The model can have access to the view via the observer interface. When the model changes it can notify the view or the controller. It is the Observer pattern that decouples the model from the view and controller.
The passive model is employed when one
controller manipulates the model
exclusively. The controller modifies
the model and then informs the view
that the model has changed and should
be refreshed (see Figure 2). The model
in this scenario is completely
independent of the view and the
controller, which means that there is
no means for the model to report
changes in its state.
The active model is used when the
model changes state without the
controller's involvement. This can
happen when other sources are changing
the data and the changes must be
reflected in the views. Consider a
stock-ticker display. You receive
stock data from an external source and
want to update the views (for example,
a ticker band and an alert window)
when the stock data changes. Because
only the model detects changes to its
internal state when they occur, the
model must notify the views to refresh
the display.