




How can I get a list of the tweets of a particular twitter account's followers? I can get a list of the follower's ids with this:

select id from xml where url='http://twitter.com/followers/ids/sqlservercentrl.xml'

my assumption was that to retrieve the tweets for all these ids I should then be able to write:

select title from twitter.user.timeline
where id in (select id from xml where url='http://twitter.com/followers/ids/sqlservercentrl.xml')

but I just get no results.

note - for comparison the following query, which gets the tweets of friends (who I follow as opposed to who follows me), does work:

select title from twitter.user.timeline
where id in (select id from xml where url='http://twitter.com/statuses/friends/sqlservercentrl.xml' and itemPath='users.user')
+1  A: 

Have you tried adding the itemPath criteria?

select title from twitter.user.timeline
where id in (select id from xml where url='http://twitter.com/followers/ids/sqlservercentrl.xml' and itemPath='ids')

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