
Querying html using Yahoo YQL

While trying to parse html using Yahoo Query Language and xpath functionality provided by YQL, I ran into problems of not being able to extract “text()” or attribute values. For e.g. perma link select * from html where url="http://stackoverflow.com" and xpath='//div/h3/a' gives a list of anchors as xml <results> <a class="qu...

What are the pros and cons of various ways of analyzing websites?

I'd like to write some code which looks at a website and its assets and creates some stats and a report. Assets would include images. I'd like to be able to trace links, or at least try to identify menus on the page. I'd also like to take a guess at what CMS created the site, based on class names and such. I'm going to assume that the s...

YQL for twitter follower's tweets

How can I get a list of the tweets of a particular twitter account's followers? I can get a list of the follower's ids with this: select id from xml where url='http://twitter.com/followers/ids/sqlservercentrl.xml' my assumption was that to retrieve the tweets for all these ids I should then be able to write: select title from twitter...

confused how to use opentables in yql

i am trying to get access to whitepages using YQL. Unfortunately i don't have much experience with opentables. I was directed to the whitepages xml file at: http://github.com/spullara/yql-tables/blob/c63212b2ac9db6feb77ae3cecace51ed52e08c01/whitepages/whitepages.search.xml Does anyone know how to use this table to extract meaningful i...

YQL table for Apache access logs

YQL SHOW TABLES has CSV and HTML. What about a table for Apache access logs? ...

Yahoo Pipes and YQL: Can I strip HTML tags from my items?

Given this pipe, I'm trying to strip all HTML tags from -div class="post-text"- and return plain text. In other words, for this stackoverflow question, the first item should return: "Background: Over the next month, I'll be giving three talks... {...} complex generic signatures (e.g. Enumerable.Join)" Can anyone assist? At ...

YQL XML Output with custom namespace

I am attempting to parse a JSON feed from Yahoo Pipes to turn it into XML, using YQL. My query is: "select * from json where url='http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.run?_id=[pipe-id]&amp;_render=json'" The problem is that the original Pipe was parsing an RSS feed, filled with dublin core tags (example: dc:title, dc:source, etc). The XML...

Is there a way to get the entire source of a page with yql?

I am trying to load the source of any page into a textbox for a client side only html editor. I need to be able to get the entire source of a web page, not just the body. This yql query returns just the body: http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?format=xml&amp;callback=editor.handleLoad&amp;q=select+*+from+html+where+url%3D%22exampl...

How to use YQL to retrieve web results?

Hi, I am having difficulty setting up a simple html file using javascript to display the results of YQL Query. I understand how to setup the select statement (example: select title,abstract,url from search.web where query="pizza") in the YQL Console. But I don't know how to display it on the html file? Can somebody help in explaining ...

Basic JSON question: How to parse JSON?

I am new to JSON and trying to recover some text from a JSON variable. The JSON variable is sent from a Javascript File and has this structure: foo({ "query": { "count": "2", "created": "2009-07-25T08:17:54Z", "lang": "en-US", }, "results": { "result": [ { "abstract": "<b>Pizza</b> Hut®. Order Online for Deliver...

yql list of supported Open Data Tables

I know there are certain apps that support Yahoo's YQL open data tables Twitter Bitly Flickr Digg etc. Is there a comprehensive list anywhere? ...

YQL Web Server Log File regex example.

I am looking for example code using YQL to handle a web server log file. YQL table for Apache access logs asks "What about a table for Apache access logs?" to which spullara replies: If we add something like this it will likely be with a regex based line reader that you could then apply to apache logs. later Paul Tarjan says: ...

Alternatives to YQL

This is a multi-part question. I just watched a very interesting presentation on YQL by the lead developer (a graduate of my MS program). While it was very compelling, and I am looking forward to trying it out, I am wondering if anyone knows of alternative frameworks for querying multiple web service APIs to make them appear seamless, th...

How to access YQL in Python (Django)?

Hey, I need a simple example for the following task: Send a query to YQL and receive a response I am accessing public data from python backend of my Django app. If I just copy/paste an example from YQL, it says "Please provide valid credentials". I guess, I need OAuth authorization to do it. So I got an API key and a shared secret. N...

Access YQL from ASP.NET & MVC

Is there a recommended methodology / technique for accessing YQL from ASP.NET (&MVC). I'm Thinking something like LINQ ? I'd like to be able to treat it like a local SQL DB as much as possible. ...

Looking for help with YQL movie showtimes

I had been using the undocumented Yahoo movies API until it was pulled a few days ago, so I'm looking for another way to retrieve local movie showtimes (ideally by theater). I found this thread about YQL datatables on SO, and the last post looked really promising. I just can't seem to figure out how to query the data to return local mo...

What are good techniques for retrieving a list of keywords for the top news stories of the day

I am working on an application where I would like to retrieve a list of the day's top news stories from some source (such as the BBC) and parse these for keywords that I can use against my own tag data. There are obviously lots of webservices and APIs out there - but what would you suggest as good routes to take. One thing I was consid...

YQL scrape entire website/domain

Hi, I'm trying to scape back a set of links and content from a domain. The Query in google would be "site:www.newswebsite.com search_term" I've seen some close stuff to getting this working, but I can't seem to quite get a search working across a whole website, and then filter by the search term. Is this possible without a custom d...

YQL Geo Distance between 2 WOEID's

I store the YQL WOEID (Where on earth id) for all the users of my application locations. I now need a way to search for all users within x miles of a given WOEID, is this possible using YQL? Alternativly I guess I could change the app to store lat and longitudes, but I need the calculation of distances as quick as possible as there pot...

Can YQL parse web sites requiring cookie-based authentication?

First, my use case: I'm trying to use YQL's built in XPATH capabilities to scrape content from Yahoo! Fantasy Sports. It uses some sort of cookie-based authentication scheme. Basically, the sequence is: 1) Do an HTTP GET on the Yahoo! Login page 2) Parse the hidden inputs from the response and do an HTTP PUT with your Yahoo! Login on t...