I'm a bit unsure about the Usage Information and Limits of Yahoo YQL.
Per application limit (identified by your Access Key): 100,000 calls per day.
Per IP limits: /v1/public/: 1,000 calls per hour; /v1/yql/: 10,000 calls per hour.
Do I require an application/access key for the /v1/public/ interface? None of the examples use one. If I...
How can I pick a random place from anywhere in the world (but not in sea obviously) using some Service like Yahoo Geo, YQL, Google maps or something like that??
I'm trying to perform a two-legged oauth in ruby to use YQL. There is an example in javascript which does what I want: http://paul.donnelly.org/demos/oauth.htm
However, the ruby oauth gem API is different, and I can't figure out how to make the request.
Any ideas?
Hello everybody!
Today, I've started with Yahoo Query Language. I would use it to retrive stocks details, so I'm talking about Yahoo Finance.
I think there is a bug on this language.
This is my query:
select * from yahoo.finance.quoteslist
where symbol='@^GSPC'
I ALWAYS get 51 results!
it's impossible, take a look at: http://...
The answer in this post http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2119680/use-jquery-to-check-if-a-url-on-another-domain-is-404-or-not shows how to use YQL in Jquery to check if URL is valid or not. However, I can't get this to work for me. The only difference I can think of is that my URL is a text file (http://mycrossdomain.com/sometext.txt) ...
Is there any way (other than having to add custom code) to check if my application has exceeded the YQL limits that are allowed? (Not sure if per application limit or the per IP limit applies in my case) I assume that all queries would fail after the limit is reached, but I'd like to be proactive in adding measures to prevent this from h...
SELECT content FROM html WHERE url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_National_Parks_by_state" AND xpath="//a/text()"
does not work, whereas
SELECT * FROM html WHERE url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_National_Parks_by_state" AND xpath="//a/text()"
SELECT content FROM html WHERE url="htt...
I am trying to execute some queries using YQL. To gain some efficiency, I am thinking of executing them in batches. My queries are in a text file, each in one line. My (Java)program currently reads each query from one line and creates YQL query and executes it. I want this to be done in a batch of 10 or more. I could not find any exampl...
I'm trying to read an xml response from YQL:
$url = 'http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20geo.places%20where%20woeid%3D%22'.$woeid.'%22';
if (!$xml=simplexml_load_file($url) )
This code works. Now i'm trying to put my application ID in the url string but I don't know how it should be done.
One common thing to want to do in the Yahoo Pipes YQL element is pass in a Pipes value to the YQL query. For example:
select * from html.tostring where url='<someurl>' and xpath='//div[@id="foo"]'
and you want to pass in a dynamic value for <someurl>. Let's say that it's an RSS feed item's URL called item.link. Attempting to simply...
I have a YQL query result that I'm trying to get converted and sort into a clean XML file.
Being the pains that they are, information from the World Cup isn't freely available in an easy to reuse format.
So, after a bit of finessing with YQL I have managed to liberate the required table rows which contain the data ...
The title is more complicated than it has to be, here's the problem query.
FROM query.multi
WHERE queries="
FROM html
WHERE url='http://www.stumbleupon.com/url/http://www.guildwars2.com'
AND xpath='//li[@class=\"listLi\"]/div[@class=\"views\"]/a/span';
FROM xml
Has anyone written a YQL open data table for accessing Wikipedia? I've had a hunt around the internet and found mention of people using YQL for extracting various bits of information from Wikipedia pages such as microformats, links or content but I haven't been able to find an open data table that ties it all together.
how can i grab buzz follower using YQL . actually i want to count the total no of buzz follower . please help
We are using YQL to get the Profile Information in a Yahoo! App using YAP, however, we are facing an error while executing the YQL Query. We are using OpenSocial Gadget AJAX Functionality for making the call.
Following is the error message we are getting:
{"error":{"lang":"en-US","description":"Authentication Error. The table social.pr...
I am using YQL for some screen scraping, and any quote-like characters are not being returned properly.
For example, markup on the page being scraped is:
There should not be a “split between what we think and what we do,”
This is returned by YQL as:
There should not be a �split between what we think and what we do,�
This also...
I'm using ruby and googles reverse geocode yql table to ideally automate some search query I have. The problem I hit is turning the query into a legal url format. The issue is that the encoding I'm using is returning illegal urls. The query I'm running is as follows
query="select * from google.geocoding where q='40.714224,-73.961452'"
I know that the following is used to request the news feed
Which returns the set in json.
What is the way to get this into a pipe ? I have tried fetching the data but robots.txt does not allow it. I also tried building the url from scratch yields errors as well.
I have been able to...
So I need to make a a cross domain request where the response is not JSON formatted, so I cannot use .getJSON. .get obviously doesn't work because it is a cross domain request.
I came across this (Read this) when I was googling and it seems it should work for what I want to do (which is do a cross domain call that isn't json formatted ...
Hey there!
I want to get the weather information for a specific location.
Right now, I need to calls to get them: The first one translated my current position (lat/lon) to a WOEID, the second call retrieves the Weather information by using that WOEID.
Can I combine those 2 queries?
The first one is:
select * from yahoo.maps.find...