
Can I retrieve an authenticated RSS feed with YQL?

Hi I want to retrieve the contents of an RSS feed via YQL: http://developer.yahoo.com/yql/console/ The RSS feed is protected with basic authentication - username & password. How can I pass the username and password in the YQL console to gain access to the feed? Simon ...

How can I write this YQL statement for jquery jsonp

Hey guys, I'm trying to do some cross domain stuff with YQL and Jquery but i'm having a little trouble with getting this yql query to work right. Okay so this is the YQL statement i'm trying to get to work: use 'http://yqlblog.net/samples/data.html.cssselect.xml' as data.html.cssselect; select * from data.html.cssselect where url="www...

How to use multiple xpath selectors in a YQL query

Hey, I'd like to scrape some data from my blog using YQL: SELECT * FROM html WHERE url="http://site.com/blog" AND xpath="//div[@class='post']" How can I use different bits of xpath in my query? E.g. can I do something like: SELECT * FROM html WHERE url="http://site.com/blog" AND xpath="//div[@class='post']" AND xpath ="//div[@class='...

Garbage after JSON - PHP Array problem YQL

Hi, i'm using YQL to send data back to an iPhone app i'm developing. I've got a JSON parser on the iphone and a PHP page on my webhost. This is the PHP: <?php header('Content-type: application/json'); $arr = array(); $result = $_GET["q"]; $yql_base_url = "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql"; $yql_query = "select * from ...

YQL php app on iphone not parsing correctly

Ok, i have a JSON parser in my iphone app and i'm trying to return rss feeds from google or yahoo to the app via this php script. can anyone see where i'm going wrong with this php, thanks. it comes back to the app as gobbledegook, not parsed at all <?php header("Content-Type: application/json"); $yqlUrl = "http://que...

Create YQL for sites which do not have an API.

I plan to create a YQL open table for a site which does not have an XML/JSON based API. I plan to use HTML scrapping to get data from the site and return it to YQL. Is this possible and is any of the Open Tables similar in nature? ...