
Javascript convert data from utf-8 to iso-8859-1

Hi, I work on a website which is all done in iso-8859-1 encoding using old ASP 3.0. I use Yahoo YQL to request data (XML) from external websites but which I request to be returned as JSON-P (JSON with a callback function so I can retrieve the data). The problem I am facing is that YQL seems to always return data encoded in utf-8, which...

How to retrieve the head of a html document using YQL ?

I'm curious if this is possible at all since a "select * from html" query only returns the body of the document. ...

Using YQL to extract data from a page?

Hey all, In this table how would I use YQL/Xpath to get all data members of the column "Complex"? ...

Is JSON array parsable? (Stream parser)

I have a YQL query that extracts data from a page and returns it to my script as JSON. The JSON is huge, and as such, here's my question: Is JSON array parsable? So that I can iterate over the entire JSON structure? ...

Simple XML Load File not working

Hi, how come this isn't working: $url = "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20html%20where%20xpath%3D%22%2F%2Fmeta%22%20and%20url%3D%22http://www.cnn.com%22&format=xml&diagnostics=false"; $xml = (simplexml_load_file($url)) I get multiple errors telling me the HTTP request failed. Ultimately I want to...

Cross domain AJAX requests using JQuery and YQL

Hi , I need to use YQL (Yahoo Query Language) to perform a cross domain ajax request then bind the XML response into a JSON object and retrieve a value from the XML. The link shows how this is done using the YQL service as a proxy for cross domain requests: http://ajaxian.com/archives/using-yql-as-a-proxy-for-cross-domain-ajax For e...

expose your own API to YQL

I was wondering if someone knows a way to expose an already public API (e.g. LinkedIn's) through YQL. Any ideas / insight of someone who has already done this would be appreciated! Thanks! ...

How to implement YQL paging?

I've read the YQL guide, and I keep reviewing http://developer.yahoo.com/yql/guide/yql-o...entables-paging and I have been looking at a few examples, but I'm still left pretty confused how YQL paging works. The problem that I am trying to tackle is creating a YQL open data table for the Mozilla labs Jetpack Gallery's jetpacks pages htt...

Using Geo APIs to pick a random town from anywhere in the world

Hi all, I'm trying to use Yahoo's excellent GeoPlanet API: http://developer.yahoo.com/geo/geoplanet/guide/api-reference.html I would like to pick a random town from anywhere in the world but can't see an easy way to do it. I have tried querying by country and asking for children of type 'town', but can't seem to do that directly. Can ...

YQL How to use wildcard in XPath

Hello, I have a malformed page to scrape, and have had a hard time getting the correct XPath for YQL. I can scrape individual fields that I need using, for example: //*[@id="cell_12345"] But what I really need to do is return all elements who's ID begins with cell_. Something like: //*[@id="cell_"*] How do I do this? Also, if any...

Is there a way to get YQL to return HTML?

I am trying to use YQL to extract a portion of HTML from a series of web pages. The pages themselves have slightly different structure (so a Yahoo Pipes "Fetch Page" with its "Cut content" feature does not work well) but the fragment I am interested in always has the same class attribute. If I have an HTML page like this: <html> <bo...

How to get (scrape) the contents of a site that requires logging in through YQL?

Is it possible to get (scrape) data from a site that requires logging in using YQL? If yes, please tell the procedure. ...

Send email using YQL??

Is it possible to send Yahoo email (oh any other free service like Google mail) using YQL?? If yes, please tell a little bit of procedure.... Thank you... ...

How to get the formatted view of YQL as result??

YQL gives out result only in tree view. Is there any way to get the result in Formatted view?? ...

how to Google Analytic dat through YQL or Yahoo pipes??

I use Google analytic, i want to retrieve the last 100 search string from my Google analytic account using YQL or Yahoo pipes, how can i do it?? Please help.. ...

YQL and FLickr query not understood in the console

Hello, So I am trying to use YQL to access the flickr api but I have been having some issues. From reading the YQL info, it seemed like I could use any flickr query in YQL but for some reason I cannot use flickr.people.getPublicPhotos call to access all pictures from a certain person. When I try any such query it isn't recognized. Is th...

Consuming an iCal/.ics file in YQL

How would one consume an iCal/.ics file in YQL? Given an .ics such as: http://www.hebcal.com/export/ba/8a35a5efbb27548bc0272b94b8de96.ics?subscribe=1&amp;v=1&amp;year=2010&amp;month=x&amp;nh=on&amp;tag=fp.ql&amp;c=off How would I go about using YQL to select certain events based on fields, etc. I've tried the standard formats, and th...

How do you update your twitter status using YQL?

This is the code example I am following: VALUES ('tweeting from yql!', '@your_consumer_key', '@your_consumer_secret', '@your_access_token', '@your_access_secret'); I understand the consumer key and secret part however I dont understand what to put in for the your_access_token and your_access_secret part. Are these urls I was given wha...

Yahoo Pipes: filter items in a feed based on words in a text file

I have a pipe that filters an RSS feed and removes any item that contains "stopwords" that I've chosen. Currently I've manually created a filter for each stopword in the pipe editor, but the more logical way is to read these from a file. I've figured out how to read the stopwords out of the text file, but how do I apply the filter operat...

How to use YQL to merge 2 RSS feeds sorted by pubDate?

Seeing that YQL is being promoted as a good way to do things, I was curious as to how to use YQL to fetch and merge 2 different feeds into one (sorted by pubDate). It's pretty trivial to fetch 2 feeds but it turns out that the feeds are just concatenated together and not merged. Here's the sample code. select channel.title,channel.li...