
Using YQL how can I select an item from a feed that contains a colon in its name?

I'm using YQL to parse some web feeds, this one in particular. SELECT * FROM rss WHERE url='http://www.arena.net/blog/feed' This query returns a bunch of fields, one of which looks like content:encoded How can I select that field to filter? I want to do something like this, SELECT title, link, pubDate, content:encoded FROM rss WHER...

Is it possible to alias or rename fields in YQL?

I'm making a bunch of YQL queries at once & have a standard way of accessing the fields on the server. Unfortunately one of the feeds uses a different name than the rest for a field so I was assuming I could alias it within YQL. Something like: SELECT title, link, encoded AS description FROM... But it looks like YQL's parser doesn't ...

Tailoring the output of YQL

This YQL statement (execute in the YQL console) picks out the name and year of a film from the TMDB website. select content from html where url="http://www.themoviedb.org/movie/27205" and xpath='//h3[@id="year"]|//h2[@id="title"]/a' the results come back like this: "results": { "a": "Inception", "h3": "(2010)" } Is there any ea...

Array unique values

Hi Everyone, While dealing with JSON returned from YQL, I found myself looking for a way extract all unique values from an array. function uniqueArrayValues(o){ var items = o.query.results.row, output = []; function check(val){ for(var c=0; c<output.length; c++){ if(output[c] === val){ return fals...

Iterating through YQL JSON results in geo.places via javascript

I'm trying to iterate through some JSON results from the YQL geo.places table using the YQL jQuery plugin (http://plugins.jquery.com/project/jquery-yql) troubleshooting with the following code; $.yql("select * from geo.places where text=#{placename}", { placename: '90210' }, function(data) { var Results = data...

how do i get a all flickr photosets of a user using YQL ?

all i need to do is to find all photosets of a user_id and then get all photos within that photoset if one clicks on the photoset using YQL ...

In YQL is there an option to only limit the first item of each feed ?

Hi In an YQL query how do I return only the first item of each feed ( example with 2 feeds but i will have more ) select channel.title,channel.link,channel.item.title,channel.item.link from xml where url in( 'http://code.flickr.com/blog/feed/rss/', 'http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/index.xml' ) I know of the tail option bu...

Convert relative url to fully qualified url in YQL

I've got an index page with link to other pages that have content. select href from html where url="http://.../" and xpath='//a[@class="index"]' The resulting values of href are in the form of "/sub/page/../" Now, i want to fetch data from all all hrefs. Something like select * from html where url in (select href from html where url...

YQL XSLT implementation limitations

For some reason, YQL's XSLT table can't parse my stylesheet. I have used the stylesheet successfully with the W3C's XSLT service. Here's an example of the problem in YQL Console. Why does this not work in YQL? Also, I have yet to figure out how to pass the results of a YQL query to the XSLT table as the XML to be transformed while also ...

Combine yql auth.basic and ymail.messages to get yahoo emails?

Hi I have this: select * from auth.basic where url="mail.yahoo.com" and username="username" and password="password" and this: select * from ymail.messages where numMid='3' Can I somehow combine them? I think you can imagine why I want this? ...

Getting Started with Python YQL

I want to try to use the Yahoo Fantasy Sports API for my fantasy football league, but it seems like I can only access the data if I authenticate with Yahoo. Makes sense. However, I am new to Python and have no idea how to get started. I found a python module on the web link text but I don't know how to "install" a file that has a .gz...

Help creating a YQL Query to search companies

How can I create a YQL Query that will return me companies from Yahoo Finance? select * from yahoo.finance.quotes where name like "apple" Doesn't work. ...

Problem parsing this YQL JSON in Java/Android

Here is the JSON result: { "query": { "count": "4", "created": "2010-08-31T05:53:39Z", "lang": "en-US", "results": { "quote": [ { "symbol": "AAPL", "Ask": "244.17", "AverageDailyVolume": "23152200", "Bid": "244.12", "AskRealtime": "244.17", "BidR...

What is YQL ? Is it like jQuery ? How can i use it ?

What is YQL ? Is it like jQuery ? How can i use it ? ...

Cross Domain requests using JQuery

This is a followup question to the one here Here's briefly what I am trying to do. The File server creates a text file to indicate an end of the process. On a webpage on the Web Server, I loop every x seconds and make an ajax request to find out if the test file exists (ajax request to http://fileserver/files/UserFile.txt) I've tried t...

YQL removes HTML5 tags, how do I prevent this?

I'm trying to load the body from one of my HTML pages with YQL. Problem is, YQL removes my HTML5 tags such as section and nav. Does anyone know how to prevent this behavior? YQL statement I use: select body from html where url='http://mechamoo.com' and xpath='*' Corresponding YQL address: http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=se...

How to set a custom header using Yahoo Pipes?

I'm doing a pipe to retrieve RSS content from a private blogger's blog. The pipe first send a POST request to https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin to get the Auth token. I use YQL for this (select * from htmlpost where url="https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin" and postdata="Email=...). The question is, how could I set a cu...

Any good Finance API?

Yahoo! Finance feeds are pain in the ass. Google Finance API seems OK but don't know why I can't retrieve stock quotes information for Dow Johnes, NASDAQ, S&P... Works perfect with company quotes like YHOO, MSFT but don't gets full data for stock indexes. There is an article at YQL blog on how to get this data from Open tables with YQ...

Handling Object arguments

Hi everyone, I am new to JavaScript OO programming please bear with me for any ambiguities. I have a method that requires an object as its arguments. The required object sets options for the method to work with. var objInstance = csvObj.getData({ url: '', // csv url format: '', // return data format onComplete: function ...

get RSS where there is none

Sorry for the long title and perhaps confusing half good now as we come. I'm asking advice or guidance on how I can get an RSS feed from a page that does not have RSS enabled by default. But that is not the problem itself. The problem is when on that page I am asked to enter a username and password. Well so otherwise would be the thing....