
Easiest way of finding photos with no tags using the Flickr API

I'm working on a small project to help me tag content on Flickr. I've been looking through the API and there's obvious ways to search for tagged content, but not a simple way of finding what content hasn't been tagged (without just looping through image ID's till I find one with no tag). Has anyone come across this in the past and foun...

Custom image size from flickr api?

Hi, is there a way how to get images from flickr api with custom width/height? I found only standard function, but this functions returns only predefined sizes. Thank's ...

How can I integrate photos from flickr into my web-site using Django

Is there a tutorial or sample-code out there? ...

how do i get a list of all tags used in a particular flickr set

with the flickr API i want to find out all tags used in one particular set of photos. i know it's easy to find out all my tags (via flickr.tags.getListUserPopular), but i don't know an easy way to limit the tags to the ones used in a particular set. checking every tag against teh photos in the set is too very slow. ...

phpFlickr and getting images from Flickr

Hiya, I'm trying to pull in images from Flickr using the phpFlickr library but the docs seem to be quite vague and the results aren't as good as i would like, i wonder if anyone can shed some light on my code (maybe i'm using the wrong syntax?). It works for some queries mainly 1 word queries, i.e. if i send the $tag "inter" it will fi...

RegEx to extract FlickR Image ID From URL

hi there, I'm looking to do do two things and i am looking to do them in a beautiful way. I am working on a project that allows users to upload flickr photos by simply entering their flickr image URL. It looks like this: i need to: make sure it is a URL that matches the following format: ...

How to check if a flickr url is valid

We need the user to be able to enter URLs in our media section . However since users can make mistakes in entering the URLs , we need to ensure that the URLs are valid flickr URLs . Valid URL eg : Invalid URL eg : ...

How to get static image url from flickr URL ?

Is it possible to get static image URL from the flickr URL via an api call or some script ? For eg : Flickr URL -> Static image URL -> ...

How to pass authentication in Flickr without opening a browser?

I'm developing Flickr client. It's a desktop application. I need to pass authentication without opening a browser i.e. I have 2 fields for login and password and when user press "Log in" button all authentication steps should be performed behind the scenes. Flickr API actually offers to open a default browser and let user pass authent...

How to get Title Description and URL from Filckr for a set of photos

So I have a photo viewer that I am creating to learn Silverlight and I want to be able to get all of the photos from flickr for a specific user/set. I see that I can easily get the information in an atom feed but I can't easily get the description as the atom feed combines the Title/description etc and outputs it as html. Is there any...

Flickr API returning duplicate photos

Hi there, I've come across a confusing issue with the flickr API. When I do a photo search ( and request high page numbers, I often get duplicate photos returned for different page numbers. Here's three URLs, they should each return three sets of different images, however, they - bizarrely - return the same images:...

flickr photos from flickr_fu come back with a different id everytime

@photos = flickr.photosets.get_list(:user_id => Flickr_Keys::USER_ID).find_all{|set| @gallery.flickr_id}[0].get_photos @photos[0].id "4016105430" But everytime i run this piece of code in irb, i get a different id for each request. Whats up with that? Am I supposed to use the 'secret' property as a unique identifier ? ...

How to find out if a user has a flickr pro account?

I am trying to find out how I can tell if a user has a pro account? This is because I am interested in the upload file size limits for a user which differ based on whether the user has a pro account or not. I looked on the official API pages of flickr but found nothing. Does anyone know how to retri...

jQuery Flickr REST API call returns nothing?

I create a Flickr account, create an app and got my API key, created a few photo sets and tested the API call using their API explorer to get the following URL to call: In the browse...

Bug in Flickr API or is my understanding incorrect?

I'm trying to use the flickr API to get the listing of photos in a pool and so I am using the getPhotos method. I'm only passing in the single mandatory argument of the group ID (in my case "1108839@N25"). The response begins by telling me that there are 19 photos in this response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <rsp stat="o...

flickr API calls

Hi, im interested how many api calls per second or per minute i can do with my flickr API Key? is there a limit or is it unlimited? ...

objectiveflickr geotag

I am trying to use objectiveflickr to upload an image to flickr from my iphone but for some reason it strips the EXIF info (i want the image geotagged), is there a way around this? ...

Objectiveflickr set properties, more than one call

I cant to set Meta and set Location in ObjectiveFlickr if I do only one it works fine, but if I do both it only does the first one - (void)flickrAPIRequest:(OFFlickrAPIRequest *)inRequest didCompleteWithResponse:(NSDictionary *)inResponseDictionary { NSLog(@"%s %@ %@", PRETTY_FUNCTION, inRequest.sessionInfo, inResponseDictio...

Iphone sdk upload images to Flickr with geotagging

How can I upload an image to flickr from the iphone sdk to flickr while the image is still geotagged? I tried to use objectiveflickr but it takes away the exif information so the photo is no longer geotagged. There has to be a relatively easy way to do this because there are apps around which do this very well. ...

flickr api advice

Hi There, I am working with the API from flickr trying to get my photosets into my site, my problem is I am wanting to only show the primary image for each set but current it is showing all the images from each of my sets. Can anyone see where I am going wrong? <?php $f = new phpFlickr(FLICKR_API_KEY); $f->enablecache("fs", $...