
ruby gem flickr-fu license problem

I've trying to get the flickr-fu gem to search correctly only for commercial friendly photos but with no luck. It seems to ignore the parameter altogether. photos = => "anything", :tags => 'architecture', #:license_id => '4,6,5', ...

Json problem in flickr

I have this json but I have no idea how to get 7796249@N02 a:2:{s:4:"user";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:11:"7796249@N02";s:4:"nsid";s:11:"7796249@N02";s:8:"username";a:1:{s:8:"_content";s:9:"ilhan.z.y";}}s:4:"stat";s:2:"ok";} ...

Serialized PHP array in Flickr

I have this serialized array but I have no idea how to get the id: 7796249@N02 a:2:{s:4:"user";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:11:"7796249@N02";s:4:"nsid";s:11:"7796249@N02";s:8:"username";a:1:{s:8:"_content";s:9:"ilhan.z.y";}}s:4:"stat";s:2:"ok";} $array = unserialize('a:2:{s:4:"user";a:3:{s:2:"id";s:11:"7796249@N02";s:4:"nsid";s:11:"7796249@N02";s:...

Flickr API returns inconsistent number of photos when using multiple tags

I'm trying to use my Flickr account as a 'host' for an image gallery. I've tagged 251 photos with a common tag 'golftournament' and each one with the year and any players in the photo. So, for example, three random photos may have the following tags: golftournament dan steve 2005 (dan and steve in this photo from 2006) golftournament ...

Keep set feed order Flickr API

I'm currently trying setting up a little site that pulls in sets from flickr using JavaScript and JSON. It is all working fine except that the order of the photos on the site differs from that of the set on Flickr. I've searched this extensively for a solution, but have had no luck. Has anyone had this issue before? and/or know of a solu...

Flickr API - Latest Photos from a Set?

I'm currently using this JSON to get the latest flickr photos of an ID: Now I need to change my code to display a set instead of an ID. I can get some JSON return with this:

Flickr Gallery API wrapper for Python?

Is there currently a Flickr API wrapper for Python which includes working with galleries? I'm aware of these two wrappers, but neither of them seems to support galleries: Is there some wrapper hidden away in the dark corners of the internet or would I have to wri...

Need help with Flickr/JSON/Javascript issue when displaying gallery images

Hi all, Wondering if anyone can help me. I'm trying to put together a weekly photo competition page by pulling in photos from a Flickr gallery, but I can't get the images to display. It works OK for groups, but having some problems with the gallery code. Getting the correct JSON response, but can't get the results to display on the page...

Flickr API returning a result set with hits but an empty photo array.

I am making a Flickr api call to to find all the photos near a certain lat/lon. It works just for the normal case, but I have found that if I add a text search term to the search I sometimes get a strange return result from Flickr: jsonFlickrApi({"photos":{"page":1, "pages":5, "perpage":250, "total":"1153", "photo"...

Why isn't flickr.galleries.getPhotos displaying the images?

Hi all, I asked a question the other day, but was a bit too in depth about the problem, which was confusing. Anyway, I've not made any progress, but wondered if a more succinct question could be answered by anyone. I'm trying to display photos from a Flickr gallery using the 'flickr.galleries.getPhotos' API method. I have the desired r...

unable to get auth token in flickr

Hi, I am trying to access flickr services from android , to get the full permissions , first of all i fetched forbs using flickr.auth.getFrob method by integrating & converting in MD5 secret + 'api_key' + [api_key] + 'method' + 'flickr.auth.getFrob' i successfully got the frob , but the problem came when i request a authoriz...

How to automatically authenticate and query Flickr

I want to get a listing of my photos from Flickr's API but all of the APIs out there seem to have the same basic behavior: they forward you to a login prompt. My application needs to automatically authenticate using Flickr OAuth so that the user doesn't have to know the login credentials. ...

I need to know how to automatically authenticate in Flickr

Everything I have tried requires the end user to sign in to yahoo...this won't work because the end user doesn't know the password or the username. This should be automated otherwise flickr wont work ...

XML "not well-formed (invalid token)" error from FlickrApi

First of all : I'm using the well known (and tested I suppose) flickrapi. I was testing synchronization of flickr photos with my project and everything worked fine till I reached some specific files. Then python's xml parser failed to parse xml to string (and error from topic). Debug gave me line and column in the xml, so I've exported i...

Download from a URL with C++

Hi, I'm playing around with C++ for the first time in years. Making an app using Qt, with the Qt IDE. I want to make an app to integrate with the Flickr API. I've got to the point where i need to make a call to a URL.