
flickr phpflickr api

Overview I am trying to get a photo feed on to my site using Flickr's api and the phpflickr library. I can successfully get the photoset on to my site, but it shows all the photos from every photoset, what I was hoping to achieve was to show the primary photo from each photoset, and then if the user clicked on the image it would show th...

Using phpFlickr, how would one display the primary photo from each photoset?

Referring to this question: how would you display a primary photo from a photoset rather than all photos and photosets? this is the code I have so far: <?php require_once("phpFlickr/phpFlickr.php"); $f = new phpFlickr("[APIKEY]"); $user = "xxxxxxxx@xxx"; $count = 1; $phot...

YQL and FLickr query not understood in the console

Hello, So I am trying to use YQL to access the flickr api but I have been having some issues. From reading the YQL info, it seemed like I could use any flickr query in YQL but for some reason I cannot use flickr.people.getPublicPhotos call to access all pictures from a certain person. When I try any such query it isn't recognized. Is th...

phpFlickr: how do you determine the width of an image and resize it accordingly?

Using phpFlickr, I need to have 100x100 square thumbnails coming from Flickr. The problem I'm having is that using a larger size via the API such as the Small, the vertical oriented images will be distorted when resized to 100x100. I was using CSS to do this. How can I distinguish between the vertically or horizontally oriented images b...

accessing parsed JSON on the iPhone SDK

Hello All! I've been following the great tutorial about (iPhone, json and Flickr API and I did manage to access the parsed json info just fine. Now I'm trying to do the same thing with the Twitter API, and I am able to get the json info and parse it, but I can't seem to access it like in Flickr. I noticed that the json info that is ret...

Get image from Flickr using django-syncr

Hello guys, I have my photos located on Flickr. I want to sync them between Flickr and my Django app using django-syncr. It's installed, Flickr section is visible in Admin site. I can sync photo data from Flickr to my local database. In a few words -- it works. But, I don't understand how to get these data from my database using

Flickr getrecent photo api with objectiveflickr

hi anyone know how to do api request for get recent photo from flickr ?, i'm still new to objective c, if anyone have tutorial or simple example to do it for iphone application that will be great. ...

Flickr albums in django admin

I want to do the following: Having a model (p.e. a model which handles data about photographic reports) create a section which has a preview of an specific flickr album. The URL will be provided by an URLField (until the first save the preview will not be available). After the first save, it'll show previews of all the images inside th...

Ruby library for Flickr API?

Is there a solid, production ready library in Ruby that interacts with the Flickr API? I found a few by googing, but their states don't impress me much. I'm looking for something along the lines of flickrapi for Python, with nice documentation. ...

GSON and the Flickr API problems: JsonParseException when deserializing json

I'm relatively new to java and android development so sorry if this is a silly question. I'm building simple app, simply to learn the android ropes, that will display a list of the most recent photos uploaded to flickr. The app is constructed but it's crapping out when it tries to deserialize the json that I get back from flickr. Here is...

Prototype + Flickr Ajax Request doesn't work with Firefox

Hi every one I have a weird issue I been working with the Flickr API, in Flickr for make a connection with the server is through url format in my case something like this;api_key=10cb3dccaa050efebdc01540c1d4d227&amp;user_id=51390557@N07&amp;format=json If your r...

Display collections on my website using Flickr API

Hello everyone, I have been looking for a long time where I could find a php script using phpflickr class (or not) in order to display collections (titles, images or both) on my website. I can't find any. If anyone has idea... Thanks in advance. Regards, Pico ...

Using as3flickrlib to search through a flickr group's pool

Hi all, I'm trying to work with the as3flickrlib, but I seem to constantly be running into trouble at every corner. Among other things that I want to do, I am trying to build a search function that only searches the photos returned from my groups.pools.getPhotos call. All the photos are being fed into an Array, so I'm wondering if I co...

Flickr Geo queries not returning any data

I cannot get the Flickr API to return any data for lat/lon queries. view-source:;media=photo&amp;api_key=KEY_HERE&amp;has_geo=1&amp;extras=geo&amp;bbox=0,0,180,90 This should return something, anything. Doesn't work if I use lat/lng either. I can get some photos return...

How to access private photos through Flickrj API

I'm making an authenticated call to access photos through Flickr API. But I am only getting my public photos but not any private photos. Given below is the code I'm using, Flickr f; RequestContext requestContext; String frob = ""; String token = ""; DocumentBuilder xmlParser = null; public void getImages() throws ParserConfigurati...

Json and Flickr API

Hi, I've gone through the which is great, but I just want to customise the amount of Flickr images it pulls in(6) with the API. I know I could set a div with overflow:hidden to show the desired amount, but I don't want the code to be hacky. Can anyone help? Also I'd like to displa...

how do i get a all flickr photosets of a user using YQL ?

all i need to do is to find all photosets of a user_id and then get all photos within that photoset if one clicks on the photoset using YQL ...

Desktop Flickrj Java Authentication Flow

I'm using the Flickrj API to log into flickr. For READ only access its fine, but I can't seem to correctly auth when i need WRITE access to add tags to photos. As i understand the basic auth flow Get a frob Pass that frob requesting WRITE access, this returns a URL. Call the URL to recieve a flickr token Use the token in all subsequen...

Recent flickr api problem

I just recently had problem accessing the getSizes API. I tested it in flickr api site and it returns empty string. My security setting is set to public. Are there any changes or should I do that I missed. This just happened recently. Thanks in advance. ...

How can I use phpFlickr in Kohana

Hi everyone ! I'm beginning a website using Kohana Framework, and I couldn't find how to include external libraries "the proper way". I want to use the phpFlickr library to allow my website to interact with flickr, and I was wondering if there was a better way to include the files than : require_once("path/to/phpFlickr.php"); // Fire u...