Hi all,
I'm trying to work with the as3flickrlib, but I seem to constantly be running into trouble at every corner. Among other things that I want to do, I am trying to build a search function that only searches the photos returned from my groups.pools.getPhotos call. All the photos are being fed into an Array, so I'm wondering if I could just search said array based on the data. It doesn't look like there is a built in groups.pools.search method or anything like that in the Flickr API, so I am wondering if there's an easy way to search through the array, and if I can access each photo's details within it ( ie. search by user id, description, tags, etc ).
Here's some code:
private function showPhotos( e : FlickrResultEvent ):void
if ( e.success ) trace( "successfully connected to " + Constants.GROUP_ID + "'s photos!" );
_pArray = e.data.photos.photos as Array;
trace( _pArray.length );
addChild( thumbHolder );
var xPos: int = 0;
var yPos: int = 0;
//loop through all the photos, creating an instance of the Photo object from each node
//in the array. we can construct the URL of each image by extracting the data within the Photo obj
for ( var i: int = 0; i < _pArray.length; i ++ )
var p: Photo = _pArray[i];
var src: String = "http://farm" + p.farm + ".static.flickr.com/" + p.server + "/" + p.id + "_" + p.secret;
trace( p.id, p.title )
var thumb: FlickrImage = new FlickrImage( Constants.SQUARE, src, p.title );
xPos += 106;
thumb.x = xPos;
thumb.y = yPos;
if( xPos > 800 )
xPos = 0;
yPos += 106;
trace( thumb.x, thumb.y );
//t.x = 1 + ( i % 12 ) * 76;
//t.y = 1 + ( Math.floor( i / 12 ) ) * 76;
thumb.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, launchPhoto );
thumbHolder.addChild( thumb );
FlickrImage is a custom class I created that just handles the size, source, and title of the image being called in. It does not call anything from the Flickr API. And thumbHolder is a Sprite that holds the thumbnails.
Does anyone have any idea how I can go about searching through these photos?
Thanks in advance.