I'm using Xenocode and want to obfuscate the main application (A.exe + B.dll) and, separately, a plug-in component "P.dll" which references B.dll. So I have two Xenocode projects with the same passphrase. For "A/B" I select to obfuscate all B classes/methods/etc. (using a filter B.*) . Then for the plug-in I select to obfuscate all "Type References" using the same filter "B.*".
The main app loads P.dll with Assembly.Load, but gives a C++ exception [rethrow] at 0x000000 when trying to instantiate a type exported from P.
I tried a simpler version of "P" which only references one B type, and it only works when I disable obfuscation of reference to "B.type..ctor". ( ".ctor" does not appear as an option when selecting obfuscation of B itself in the "A/B" project). However this is useless for the real P.dll which references dozens of types from B.
Is there a known trick for matching obfuscation of assemblies referencing each other?