i wrote an array wrapper class PersonArray which can contain objects of a certain type (Person). Every person has a unique getHash() function which returns the ID + Name as a unique identifier. This allows for speedy retrieval of the Person from the PersonArray. The PersonArray actually holds two internal Arrays. One for the storage of Person objects ($items), and one for the storage of the Hash values ($itemsHash).
I want to create a insertAt(index, Person) function which puts the Person object at the [index] position in the $items array. Is there a way to insertAt a certain position in an array? If so how can I also update the $itemsHash of the PersonArray?
class Person {
function getHash() {
return $this->id . $this->name;
class PersonArray implements Iterator {
public $items = array();
public $itemsHash = array();
public function Find($pKey) {
if($this->ContainsKey($pKey)) {
return $this->Item($this->internalRegisteredHashList[$pKey]);
public function Add($object) {
if($object->getHash()) {
$this->internalRegisteredHashList[$object->getHash()] = $this->Count();
array_push($this->items, $object);
public function getItems() {
return $this->items;
function ContainsKey($pKey) {}
function Count() {}
function Item($pKey) {}
//Iteration implementation
public function rewind() {}
public function current() {}
public function key() {}
public function next() {}
public function valid() {}