



Hi There, Im getting a DNS timeout error in Windows mobile five when ever I try to load a local html file into WebBrowser view control after viewing an online page.

eg ctrlBrowser.Url = new Url(""); followed by ctrlBrowser.Url = new Url("file:///\My Documents\test.html");

However it I try to open local file only with gprs closed and no previous requests to external pages it works fine. This is not an issue on WM 6 and 5, the only place I get this issue is on WM 5 smartphone physical device.

Im baffeled here as how to solve.

Your thoughts are much appreciated.



This seems unrelated, but I'll share it in case I'm wrong: Firefox disables file: URLs in network served (http: and https:) pages. Maybe the WebBrowser control just doesn't like showing file: URLs after network pages.
