



I'm in the process of developing written code standards for a Rails app and am looking for some good examples of coding standards developed by others. Something that expands a bit on the ideas discussed in...

Does anyone have a good reference to share?


  1. STYLE: Line up hash arrows for readability
  2. STYLE: put spaces around => hash arrows
  3. STYLE: put spaces after ',' in method params - but none between method names and '('

(Note that I'm new to StackOverflow and not sure if this counts as a "question"...please advise if not...)

+6  A: 
Thanks, this is very useful. I'm looking for something a bit more comprehensive (ie, rails), but this is a good addition.I'm going to create an answer to my own question and hopefully others will add and edit. In the meantime someone may post a comprehensive list of guidelines
Kevin Dewalt
+1  A: 

I put together this list at one point: Acts as Good Style

Covers a wide range of aspects of rails development. Every so often I rake over it and bring it up to the latest rails version (probably need to do that again soon) :)

Taryn East