




Right now I'm using BinaryNotes to parse ASN.1 files for use in a Java project. It takes an ASN.1 definition and produces Java class(s) that let me manipulate ASN.1 files.

I've hit a wall with extension markers (...) because it doesn't support them. The source forge project page says they're coming in the next release, but the last release was nearly 2 years ago so I fear the project is dead.

Can anyone recommend an easy (and $free) replacement that does a similar thing and does support extension markers?

+1  A: 

Have you tried Bouncy Castle.

From the site:

Bouncy Castle Crypto APIs for Java consist of the following:

  • A lightweight cryptography API.
  • A provider for the Java Cryptography Extension and the Java Cryptography Architecture.
  • A clean room implementation of the JCE 1.2.1.
  • A library for reading and writing encoded ASN.1 objects.
  • ...
Marcelo Morales
I'll check that out, Marcelo.
Confirmed, bouncycastle should be your first stop for ASN.1 parsing. It does not map to Java classes in the way that JAXB does for XML but rather it generates a tree structure you can traverse.
Boris Terzic