Now that I am able to set the content of my second wizard's page depending on the first page selection, I am looking for a way to give the focus to my 2nd page's content when the user clicks the next button on the first page.
By default, when the user click the next button, the focus is given to the button composite (next, back or finish button depending on the wizard configuration)
The only way I found to give focus to my page's content is the following one:
public class FilterWizardDialog extends WizardDialog {
public FilterWizardDialog(Shell parentShell, IWizard newWizard) {
super(parentShell, newWizard);
protected void nextPressed() {
To me it's a little bit "boring and heavy" to have to override the WizardDialog class in order to implement this behavior. More over, the WizardDialog javadoc says:
Clients may subclass
, although this is rarely required.
What do you think about this solution ? Is there any easier and cleaner solution to do that job ?