Firstly, I've done a build, I've done a clean, I've done a rebuild, of both the project and the solution, so that's not the problem.
When I change my model for some reason the intellisense (in fact, it's not just the intellisense as if I do a build it comes up with an error as well) doesn't work. I have a model under ViewData.Model.ContractCostCentre which exists. VS isn't picking this up, at all. Instead, it's referring to an old one which has since been deleted and replaced with the prior one, this is called ViewData.Model.ContractCCList. So in my view I'm having to iterate over a ViewData.Model.ContractCCList despite this not even existing in my *.dbml file.
This isn't the first time I've had this problem, it seems to happen quite often if I change my dbml file (and it's likely to change as we work on highly progressive systems which are always subject to change).
Any ideas?