Why do you think the code below does not work? What would you change/add to make it work?
Any help is appreciated..
function TraceIt(message:String, num:int)
trace(message, num);
function aa(f:Function, ...args):void
bb(f, args);
aa(TraceIt, "test", 1);
var func:Function = null;
var argum:Array = null;
function bb(f:Function, ...args):void
func = f;
argum = args;
function exec()
func.apply(null, argum);
I get an ArgumentError (Error #1063):
Argument count mismatch on test_fla::MainTimeline/TraceIt(). Expected 2, got 1.
..so, the passed parameter (argum) fails to provide all passed arguments..
..Please keep the function structure (traffic) intact.. I need a solution using the same functions in the same order.. I have to pass the args to a variable and use them in the exec() method above..