




I'm trying to understand the following Ruby code.

It looks like attrs is a hash that gets passed as an argument with a default value of an empty hash.

Then attrs.each iterates over the key, value pairs in the hash (|k,v|).

What effect is achieved by calling self.send on the elements of the key value pair during this iteration?

def initialize(attrs = {}, *args)
  attrs.each do |k,v|
    self.send "#{k}=", v
+3  A: 

send calls the method in the first parameter, and passes the rest of the parameters as arguments.

In this case I assume what's in attrs is a list of attributes. Let's say it's something like this:

{ :name => "John Smith" }

So then in the loop, it does this:

self.send "name=", "John Smith"

which is equivalent to

self.name = "John Smith"
Sarah Mei
Cool. Thanks. So, that means in your example name becomes a class method, right - because of [self.]name?
First of all, that example isn't creating a method at all -- it's calling the method `name=`, which must already exist. Secondly, self inside an instance method (such as initialize) refers to the instance. So this is calling an instance method.
Its worth mentioning that the `name=` methods are automatically created by the `attr_accessor :name` helper.
Joseph Pecoraro
The methods being called by #send are _NOT_ class methods; they are instance methods. "self." is used to define or call class methods from class scope, or to define or call instance methods from instance scope. #initialize is an instance method, so its scope is instance scope.
James A. Rosen