




I am using ajax in my site. if a user enters a query and select a category, i will updates the page with result with ajax. also i updates the url with hash value which shows query and category seperated by a '&'. what i want is tht when the browser back button is pressed i want to display the previous result without reloading. what i am getting is that url tht has previous values, but result is not updating. how can i do that ...can any one help me ???

+2  A: 

The short answer would be use the #hash part of the uri, this part if updated doesn't refresh the page, and in most browsers makes a history checkpoint, however by saying in most browsers, means that no support in IE6, and I think IE7. The other way is when you detect IE, you can embed a 1 pixel iframe and set it's source to a page on your domain, and make your javascript sets its ? part of the url so the page refreshes, and in this case IE will save history point. This problem is solved in IE8



what i want is a solution wich can support IE FF SAFARI etc....also have to do it without refreshing....is ther a solution???
The iframe will work on all browsers, and it will not refresh your page, it will just refresh your invisible iframehttp://codinginparadise.org/weblog/2005/08/ajax-tutorial-tale-of-two-iframes-or.html