Right now I can use this URL to request a Google Static Maps image successfully:
http://maps.google.com/staticmap?center=37.687,-122.407&zoom=8&size=450x300&maptype=terrain&key=[my key here]&sensor=false
However, the second I use JQuery or any direct javascript to set an image's src to the above url, Google passes back a Error 400:
"Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request."
I've read that this is usually from the key being incorrect, but my key is clearly being passed.
This is how I'm setting the image dynamically:
document.getElementById('my-image-id').src = "http://maps.google.com/staticmap?center=37.687,-122.407&zoom=8&size=450x300&maptype=terrain&key=[my key here]&sensor=false"
I've replaced [my key here] with my correct key, and it still doesn't work. When I request the same url through the browser, it's fine. I've confirmed that the correct referrers are getting passed as well.
Any ideas?