I had nearly the exact same issue, then remembered my URLs. If you view the source in your IIS version, you should be able to see that the URL's are incorrect when pointing to the CSS files etc...
I replaced all of the CSS and JS calls in my master with the helper methods eg:
<%= Html.RegisterCSS("site.css") %>
<%= Html.RegisterScript("jquery-1.3.2.min.js") %>
Hope this helps...
Ahh, yep, I've created a helper to "help" me out. So, I've got the following code in a helper.
public static string RegisterScript(this System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper helper, string scriptFileName)
string scriptRoot = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/Scripts");
string scriptFormat = "<script src=\"{0}/{1}\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\r\n";
return string.Format(scriptFormat, scriptRoot, scriptFileName);
public static string RegisterCSS(this System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper helper, string FileName)
//get the directory where the scripts are
string Root = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/Content");
string Format = "<link href=\"{0}/{1}?{2}\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />";
return string.Format(Format, Root, FileName, DateTime.Now.ToString("hhmmss"));
And I've had a "gotcha" where IE8 was displaying in IE7 mode. This caused me a headache until a colleague pointed it out... I haven't got IE8 here but I think it's in the developer tools section.