I am by no means a Ruby developer, but I code HAML for a ruby framework on my localhost.
I had originally put a file called vidgirlBox2.flv file and called to it within the HAML, but converted the file to a swf called vidGirl_home.swf .
This swf worked.
Until I made a simple change to the orginal .fla, and overwrote the vidGirl_home.swf .
It never worked again.
I tried swfObject, Unobtrusive Flash Object, the bare minimum of embedding a swf, everything.
Turns out, I get this message in my terminal when running my local server:
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/Users/daniellevine/Desktop/vidgirlBox2.flv" with {:method=>:get}):
Rendering rescues/layout (not_found)
As you can tell, its looking for an old file. I'm not calling this file in any of my haml. I am confused as to how this flv wrote itself into the ruby (this is what I assume at least) .
This was my attempt at a workaround, but it seems that this code generates a rails compiler error. This could be just a simple naming convention error. Am I missing an quotation mark somewhere?
My New Embed Code :
- if Rails.env.development?
= javascript_include_tag "swfobject"
- else
%script{:src => "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/swfobject/2.1/swfobject.js"}
- id ||= "flash"
- filename ||= "/images/vidGirl/vidGirl_home.swf"
- width ||= 440
- height ||= 247
- background ||= "#ffffff"
- version ||= 9
- base ||= '{base: "."}'
%div{ :id => id }
%strong You need to upgrade your Flash Player
= javascript_tag "swfobject.embedSWF('/images/vidGirl/vidGirl_home.swf', 'vidGirl_home', '440', '247', '9.0.0', '/javascripts/swfobject/expressInstall.swf', {}, '/public/', {});"
Anyone know what might have happened? or better yet, how to fix this?
Thank you!!