Hi all, I've bought the "virtual gallery" from flashden but I'm having problems implementing it.. I'm not used to using flash galleries or xml files, so hopefully someone can help me out a bit.
Here's the call to the flash (js):
var so = new SWFObject("gallery.swf?xml=category_1.xml", "virtualgallery", "100%", "600", "10", "#414141");
so.addParam("allowFullScreen", "true");
so.addParam("scale", "noscale");
so.addParam("menu", "true");
Here's the xml options:
<options imagesFolder="images" thumbsFolder="images/thumbs" viewportMaxWidth="920" viewportMaxHeight="600" sfx="yes" />
And here's my structure and paths:
Images: /images/gallery/
Thumbs: /images/gallery/thumbs/
XML: /components/com_gallery/assets/
SWF: /components/com_gallery/assets/
And the component with the gallery (js) in it is /index.php?option=com_gallery&view=gallery&cid=7&Itemid=2 which is basically this:
I don't think the xml file likes using /images/gallery and I don't think the new SWFObject likes the paths to the swf file etc.. I hope I'm making sense here!
If anyone could help, that would be fantastic.. Thank you :)