



I need to create a survey on a Sharepoint 2007 site. In this survey I need to:

(a) Ask everyone Question1 and Question2
(b) Show Question3 ONLY IF Question1=Yes AND Question2=Yes

+1  A: 

IT's not possible, there is a workaround though. You create the first question, this is a branching question. Then you add two question that are the same, but one is for the "Yes" branch of question1, 1 is for the "No" Branch of Question1.

-The Question2 you added under the "Yes" Branch of Question1 is also a branching question, the "Yes" branch goes to Question3, the "No" branch closed the survey. -The Question2 you added under the "No" branch of Question1 is a regular question, that closes the survey.

so you get

Question1 - No  - Question2 (regular) - No  - END
                                      - Yes - END

          - Yes - Question2 (Branch)  - No  - END
                                      - Yes - Question3 - No  - END
                                                        - Yes - END

Here's an explanation about branching logic

