



How can I write an AR find query to have the results ordered by the number of records in a has_many association?

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :photos

I want to do something like...

User.find(:all, :order => photos.count)

I realize my find is not valid code. Say I have the following data.

User 1, which has 3 photos 
User 2, which has 5 photos 
User 3, which has 2 photos

I want my find to bring me back the users in the order of...

User 2, 
User 1, 
User 3

based on the count of of the users photos

+1  A: 

Counter cache will help, but you'll need an extra column in the db.

Silviu Postavaru

Your question doesn't make sense. The :order parameter specifies a column name and an optional ordering direction i.e. asc(ending) or desc(ending).

What is the result that you're trying to achieve?

John Topley
Right, I realize my find is not valid code.Say I have the following data.User 1, which has 3 photosUser 2, which has 5 photosUser 3, which has 2 photosI want my find to bring me back the users in the order of...User 2,User 1,User 3based on the count of of the users photos.
Sam Schroeder
He's trying to sort users by the sum of their photos
Jon Smock
+6  A: 

The easiest way to achieve this is probably to add a counter cache to that model and then sort by that column.

class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user, :counter_cache => true

And be sure to add a column to your users table called photos_count.

Then you will be able to...

User.find(:all, :order => 'photos_count')
+4  A: 

If you don't want to add a counter cache column, your only option is to sort after the find. If you :include the association in your find, you won't incur any additional database work.

users = User.find(:all, :include => :photos).sort_by { |u| }

Note the negative sign in the sort_by block to sort from high to low.

Steve Madsen
+3  A: 

If you don't want an extra column, you could always ask for an extra column in the returned result set:

User.all(:select => "#{User.table_name}.*, COUNT(#{Photo.table_name}.id) number_of_photos",
         :joins => :photos,
         :order => "number_of_photos")

This generates the following SQL:

SELECT users.*, COUNT( number_of_photos
FROM `users` INNER JOIN `photos` ON photos.user_id =
ORDER BY number_of_photos
François Beausoleil
This really what I was looking for I just didn't explain it well.
Sam Schroeder