



Let's say I have an animal and now I want to make it a dog. How do I go about doing this in java?

Right now I have a constructor that looks like

public Dog(Animal animal) {

While this works, it's fragile. Any other suggestions?


Do you want to subclass the Animal class? You could also use:

public class Dog extends Animal { 
    public Dog () {
        // other constructor stuff

Then your Dog object would already inherit properties.

+5  A: 

If your Dog extends Animal, you can create a constructor that takes an Animal and initializes the super(parent) constructor:

public class Dog extends Animal {
    public Dog(Animal animal) {

Assuming you have an Animal class that has a copy constructor in this form:

public class Animal {
    public Animal(Animal animal) {
        // copies all properties from animal to this

You can create a Dog from an Animal by doing something like this:

Dog newDog = new Dog(myExistingAnimal);
That's more or less the same solution I have now, except that the copy code is in the descendant. This does improve the design, but it still feels like there should be a better solution available.What about using reflection?

Try and use a factory. Rather than basing it on the constructor, use a factory to return a specific type of Animal based on whatever is your constraints.


I'm not sure precisely what you want, so I'm going to assume you want the Animal object upgraded in place to be a Dog object.

class AnimalImpl {
    // ...

class DogImpl extends AnimalImpl {
    // ...

class Animal {
    private AnimalImpl implementation;
    public Animal() {
        implementation = new AnimalImpl;
    public void becomeADog() {
        implementation = new DogImpl(implementation);
    // ...

Use it like this:

Animal animal = getAnAnimalFromSomewhere();
// `animal` has generic Animal behaviour
// `animal` now has Dog behaviour

This might not be what you want, but it can be useful when an object should have substantially different behaviour, depending on its state.

Dave Hinton