I am spending too much time researching reporting tools. My setup is a (SugarCRM) MySQL database on a wamp server (or maybe it is lamp - I'm not sure yet), but likely to need other environments also. Clients are mostly WinXP, but could have a Mac or two. Would prefer a program like Crystal Reports, but free.
Requirements are:
- easy to install (including drivers, java/.net, etc)
- easy to make the report/ rapid development
- easy for an end user to run
- db user & Password and/or connection string not available to end user
- dynamic report that can be emailed or accessed via website by user
Below is a list of programs I am going through with some comments, in no particular order. Feel free to suggest others. Do you have any comments on these? Which would you recommend?
logi report freereporting.com
Report Manager (confusing setup) reportman.sourceforge.net
ActiveReports for .NET datadynamics.com/Products/ProductOverview.aspx?Product=ARNET3
Jasper Reports (not user friendly) jasperforge.org/projects/jasperreports
DataVision (need to edit files for driver, not user friendly) datavision.sourceforge.net
Pentaho Reporting (Looks good so far) reporting.pentaho.org
Open Report xtuple.com/openrpt
RLib rlib.sicompos.com
SQLServer Advanced Services (can't use for this project) Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 Express with Advanced Services (broken URL) microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=B5D1B8C3-FDA5-4508-B0D0-1311D670E336&displaylang=en
OpenOffice (too large to make user install) openoffice.org
DTS I have a copy of the old DTS from the older versions of SQLServer, which I am pretty sure is freely redistributable.
What is your view on these products? Are there others I should look up?
Thank you!