



Occasionally when accessing OpenX 2.8.1 via its XMLRPC api (using the ruby 'openx' gem), I will get this error message:

Session ID is invalid

I cannot find anything in OpenX's forums about this, nor via some Google searching.

I am starting to suspect that it is a bug or other issue in the ruby gem itself.

Has anyone else encountered such an error, and if so, what is the fix? It does seem to resolve itself after running OpenX's maintenance scripts.

+1  A: 

In using OpenX with a JSP application, we've found that too long a period of inactivity between the application and OpenX will cause the OpenX to invalidate the session ID. Currently our application was unable to get itself a new session, our workaround has been a restart of the application.

Ack! Same behavior I've been seeing, and unfortunately, similar solution. Restarting apache for us seemed to do it too, in addition to running the maint. scripts.


       I am milind kansagara and i have to integrate the openx adserver into my .net web  application. Is there any way to integrate this ?

Regards, Milind Kansagara

Milind Kansagara

Using OpenX 2.6 my server connection would time out after about 25 minutes. Not sure I could ever find a current reference for it, but it worked to track the connection time and simply re-establish the connection after a timeout.

def openx_connection
  return @connection if (@timeout && < @timeout) 
  OpenX::Services::Base.connection=nil   # clear any remaining connection
  OpenX::Services::Base.configuration = {
    'username'  => @username,
    'password'  => @password,
    'url'       => @url }
  @timeout = + 25.minutes
  @connection = OpenX::Services::Base.connection  # establish a new connection
Mike Matchett