First off, automake is a tool to auto make making Makefiles; make in and of itself is a whole different beast (and I'm pretty sure that what you were looking for was a make solution).
Here's the easiest GNU based Makefile to accomplish what you want:
all: Thread.o
This fills in something (by default) like the following (please change 4-space whitespace to hard tabs):
all: Thread.o
The COMPILE.cpp and OUTPUT_OPTION macros of course expand by default to GNU make specified values and aren't portable; $< is AT&T Make standard syntax though according to pmake(1)'s manpage though.
GNU make has a concept of implicit vs explicit rules, patterns, suffixes, etc that you could use, but that's not portable to all versions of make, and hence that's why all of the Makefile is plainly spelled out in terms of targets and variables as POSIX doesn't describe many of the desired scenarios for how one should write a Makefile.
Run gmake -p for more details and take a look at the texinfo manual for gmake in the topic of implicit, explicit rules, patterns, suffixes, etc.