Whenever a new user signs up on my site, I want to do some pre-processing to shorten their searches in the future. This involves anywhere from 30 to 2 minutes processing time. Obviously I cannot do this when they click the submit button on signup... or on any PHP page they visit. However, I would like this done within 5 minutes of them signing up (or less).
Cron Route I THINK this needs to be in a cron job, and if so, how should I setup the cron job? If so, what should my cron line look like to run every 2 minutes, and how can I insure that I don't have the same cron job overlapping the next?
Event/Fork Route - Preferred If I can possibly throw some event to my server without disrupting my users experience or fork a process off of the users signup (instead of a cron job) how could I do this?