



I would like to do something like the following:

class String
  def fancy_thing appendix
   # Just a trivial example to ensure self and params work.
   # Pretend this is something complex.
   self.reverse + appendix

# print_method on instance or class should spit out a string
#  containing the actual code for that method
ft_code = "cob".print_method :fancy_thing
ft_code = String.print_instance_method :fancy_thing
  # => "{|appendix| self.reverse + appendix }"  *

# ft_code gets passed around a bit...

# exec on an object should run code (w/ parameters) as if that code is 
#  an instance method on that object (or class method if it's a class)
"cob".exec(ft_code, '!') #=> "boc!"

How might one code print_method and foo.exec? Preferably, they should work for any arbitrary methods, without knowing a priori where they might happen to have been defined or sourced from.

  • Yes, I know methods and blocks aren't completely the same. But this is closer to what yield and call would normally take; I don't know of a better solution.

This isn't very easy to implement without just reading the Ruby file and searching for the method code. In Ruby 1.8, you could use ParseTree and ruby2ruby. In 1.9, I don't know of any solution.

+6  A: 

parse_tree will give you the key step that you'll need:

I think this does it, in the quickest/hackiest/most insecure manner possible:

require 'parse_tree'
require 'parse_tree_extensions'
require 'ruby2ruby'

class Object
  def method_source(name)
    (class << self; self; end).instance_method(name).to_ruby

  def exec(ruby, *args)
    code = eval(ruby, binding)*args)

I'll add that I'm having difficulty seeing how this is a good idea... But there you have it. :-)


Also note that your example is busted: your 'fancy_thing' method requires an argument (appendix).

[edit 2]

going over the top, here's your test code with bugs fixed (the way I think you wanted it):

class String
  def fancy_thing(appendix)
    reverse << appendix || nil

code = "cob".method_source :fancy_thing
# => "proc {|appendix| reverse << appendix }"  *
"cob".exec code, '!'
# => "boc!"
My intent for it is in irb / rails console, for easy debugging, method editing, etc (when not necessarily in the debugger proper).And just because I'm curious whether it can be *done* in 1.8 / 1.9. ;-)
Sai Emrys
Fixed the method in OP. Part of the point of its definition though was to use 'self', as a test to ensure that exec had it bound properly. But 's really just a random example.Now I wonder how parse_tree and ruby2ruby work that magic to_ruby call. Looks like I'll need to read their code. ;)
Sai Emrys
Your solution is pretty good, but fails for two things. 1) class methods; 2) built-ins (e.g. "foo".print_method :to_s # => UnsupportedNodeError). I wonder if that's fixable.
Sai Emrys
ok, edited my answer to support class-methods. also renamed the 'print_method' to better reflect what it's doing: returning the method_source.Unfortunately, it won't be possible to access the source for most built-in methods, because they are written in C.Now, could you please click the little check-mark next to my answer? :-)
Well earned. ;-)
Sai Emrys