I have made a complex models structure in django. I had planned to render this structure using GWT, but with python the option to communicate whit it are: - using JSON and in this case I have to duplicate the models structure in javascript objects (see gwt tutorial). - python-gwt-rpc is a remote procedure call library compatible with gwt, but it seems to me that it's not easy to integrate with django models, and the outdated documentation doesn't help me.
The alternative I considering is using the Django template system to render my pages with some Jquery UI plugins and the method suggested in this post to retriving html data without deal with JSON objects because I think that dealing with it is a nightmare because in my structure when the data changes also the interface could be drammatically change.
So I think that with GWT I have to duplicate the django models in javascript objects but I have supported by the java subclasses system. In the second solution I reuse the django models and use the django template system then I able to make server side check, but neither a cool GWT interface neither the lightweight Json call to update pages.
What is yuor approach on this issue?